<![CDATA[KINGDOM WARRIOR - Battle Blog]]>Mon, 09 Sep 2024 16:20:03 -0600Weebly<![CDATA[2 Samuel 15:30-37]]>Mon, 09 Sep 2024 12:23:12 GMThttp://kingdomwarrior.net/battle-blog/2-samuel-1530-37how do you react when you are betrayed? Picture
Perceive: Grasping the reality of his situation, David openly shows his grief by weeping heavy tears. Like Jesus, David was man enough to weep in front of others. While continuing east, a messenger and another godly friend arrive on the scene. The messenger informs David of Ahithophel’s betrayal. Knowing his counselor so well, David immediately asks God to turn Ahithophel’s advice from wise to foolish. Reaching the summit, they spend a moment in worship. At this time God answers David’s prayer in the form of his friend Hushai, another Gentile who honored the Lord and his Jewish king. David’s assets and spies are now aligned to work together to provide critical intelligence, and whenever Ahithophel would give counsel, Hushai could do his best to thwart the advice.
Practice:  Heartache, turmoil, and tragedy often define friendship. During this period of Absalom’s revolt, we see the reaction of five men who were the king’s friends: Ahithophel, Ittai, Zadok, Abiathar, and Hushai. One is a traitor, and four are loyal. These four friends considered it an honor to serve David and help restore him to the throne. Each of these four men could tell others that “I am a dedicated servant ready to do whatever my king commands.” As godly men, we should say the same thing to the King of kings and Lord of lords.
Pray:  O mighty God, what is Your divine will for my life today? Help me to serve You in any way You desire. Thank You for being my King and my Lord. ​

This devotional challenge comes from The Heart of a Lion - King David of Israel and is available on Amazon.com

<![CDATA[2 Samuel 15:24-29]]>Thu, 05 Sep 2024 13:20:14 GMThttp://kingdomwarrior.net/battle-blog/2-samuel-1524-29What does your faith look like to others? Picture
Perceive: Once again some loyal friends rallied to King David. This time it is Zadok, his band of Levites, the ark of the covenant, and Abiathar the priest who arrive on the scene after the people just left the city. These loyal friends felt the possession of the ark would visibly demonstrate that David was the divinely appointed ruler of all Israel. His response to these men gives another glance at his heart. He is a man after God’s own heart as he models submission to God’s will, be it good things or bad things. He is placing this situation into the hands of His Almighty God!  As priests, it would be normal for them to be with or stay with the ark. Absalom would not suspect them if they went back and served as spies. After agreeing to the plan, they return with the ark of God to Jerusalem.
Practice: Sometimes we make plans because they look and feel right but along the way, they are changed by God directly or indirectly. These men joined David’s camp because they thought it was the right and best thing to do. David, however, sees things from a different perspective and orders them back to be part of his ability to gather intelligence. Additionally, it may have crossed his mind, that some might think he was trusting in the presence of the ark as though it were a good luck charm, as did Eli and his sons (1 Samuel 4:5-11). Faith is the assurance of things hoped for and the conviction of things not seen (Hebrews 11:1). How do you see your faith?
Pray: God Almighty, into Your hands I place my life and ministry. Please help me trust in You no matter what the circumstances. 

This devotional challenge comes from The Heart of a Lion - King David of Israel and is available on Amazon.com

<![CDATA[2 Samuel 15:1-6]]>Fri, 30 Aug 2024 13:57:25 GMThttp://kingdomwarrior.net/battle-blog/2-samuel-151-6How well can you evaluate today’s politicians? Picture
Perceive: Absalom knew his previous actions, although forgiven would prevent him from ascending to the throne as his father’s successor. So, the first step in Absalom’s strategy to gain the throne was to win the hearts and minds of the people. Like modern day politicians, he rose early, found a public forum, and sowed seeds of discord. He was a master at telling people what they wanted to hear and promised to give them what they wanted to have. David won the hearts of God’s people through sacrifice and service. He was a hero. Absalom won the hearts through lies and deceit. He was a celebrity. 
Practice: Unfortunately, Absalom’s strategy worked back then, and it works that way today. He stole the hearts of the people by his good looks, lavish appearances, deceptive concern for social justice, and false welcoming hugs. Politicians fooled people in the past, and they will fool them in the future. Evil rulers abound and eventually the world will be deceived by a leader with greater powers than Absalom (Revelation 13:3). It is critical to stay close to God and in His word, so we recognize ungodly influences and unholy leaders.
Pray: Great and Mighty God, You know the inside of our leaders and their ability to govern. Enable Your people to see the truth and to know who honors You and who has selfish ambition and evil intentions. 

This devotional challenge comes from The Heart of a Lion - King David of Israel and is available on Amazon.com

<![CDATA[2 Samuel 14:25-33]]>Thu, 29 Aug 2024 13:46:22 GMThttp://kingdomwarrior.net/battle-blog/2-samuel-1425-33Do you raise your children with godly discipline? Picture
Perceive: Although David banned Absalom from seeing him, this did not stop his popularity from growing with the people. He was the most handsome man in the country, and he knew his looks and charm were an asset to control or influence others. After two full years under house arrest, Absalom sends for Joab, but he does not respond, so Absalom has his fields burned. Joab is quick to respond. Absalom wants a change in his living circumstances: either forgive me or kill me kind of approach. Joab meets with David and then has Absalom brought to the palace where David forgives him and gives him a fatherly kiss. This act demonstrated two things: respect and acceptance. For a short period, David regained his son, and Absalom regained his father.
Practice: As an independent and scheming man, Absalom was quick to act to make things happen. Without a father to keep him somewhat behaved, he most likely did what he wanted. Being such a good-looking man added to his self-centered approach to life. All children need good order and godly discipline, especially the beautiful and talented, otherwise they may grow up thinking they can do just about anything they want. Absalom still had a hidden agenda and wanted to seize the throne.
Pray: O Lord, help me to have the proper balance of justice, mercy, forgiveness, and godly discipline with my children and grandchildren.​

This devotional challenge comes from The Heart of a Lion - King David of Israel and is available on Amazon.com

<![CDATA[2 Samuel 14:12-24]]>Wed, 28 Aug 2024 16:27:34 GMThttp://kingdomwarrior.net/battle-blog/2-samuel-1412-24How well do you seek godly justice and mercy? Picture
​​​​Perceive: Once David had formulated a decree to his satisfaction, he most likely expected this woman to depart, but she didn’t. Instead, she requests to speak openly with the king, and he grants her time to do this. In this discourse, she reveals the truth behind her story. By failing to restore Absalom to the court of Israel, David was acting against the best interests of his people. Absalom was now heir-apparent to the throne. Having Absalom stay banished from Israel threatened the security of David’s reign. David quickly surmised that someone else was behind the entire episode and that person was Joab. Most likely Joab brought her and listened to the entire exchange. After thanking David for honoring his request, he is sent to bring Absalom back, unfortunately, he is not allowed to go to the palace and see his father’s face. It felt to him like house arrest!
Practice: The law provided ways to deal with murders and specifically cities of refuge (Numbers 35:9-21). Cities of refuge protected people for revenge. Since the Lord created severe judgments for crimes as well as established channels for reconciliation, the king who represents the Lord in administering His justice on the earth, should do the same.
Pray: Thank you, O Lord, for the way You are merciful to me. My sins are many, and You have forgiven me for them all. Fill me with Your presence and help me to be merciful to others. ​

This devotional challenge comes from The Heart of a Lion - King David of Israel and is available on Amazon.com

<![CDATA[2 Samuel 14:1-11]]>Tue, 27 Aug 2024 10:37:04 GMThttp://kingdomwarrior.net/battle-blog/2-samuel-141-11Are you merciful to those who have wronged others? Picture
Perceive: In a strategy very similar to the prophet Nathan, Joab creates a plan to help King David regarding his son Absalom. Joab enlists the service of a woman from Tekoa. She was to gain a hearing with the king, provide a fictitious story requiring a strong judgment, and let the king make his ruling decision, a compelling decision that would also relate to his life. Whoever she was, she could tell the story with dramatic effects. Her fictitious story bears a strong resemblance to the first murder in the Bible between Cain and his brother Abel (Genesis 4:8-16). It was the king’s duty to uphold the law, and he could not give Absalom permission to return home until he felt it was the correct thing to do.
Practice: It’s been three years since Absalom fled for murdering his half-brother. Time has a way of changing someone’s perspective and Joab, realizing that David was missing his son, masterminds this event. He may have gambled on David’s understanding of the Torah. God was merciful to Cain despite legal guidelines to the contrary, and now David is merciful to Absalom. Since Absalom was next in line to the throne, he may have had concerns about David’s replacement as king. At this point, David was nearing sixty years of age.
Pray: Great and mighty God, help me to show mercy where it is best needed. Convict me when I am harsh or sullen. 

This devotional challenge comes from The Heart of a Lion - King David of Israel and is available on Amazon.com

<![CDATA[2 Samuel 13:30-39]]>Mon, 26 Aug 2024 12:35:06 GMThttp://kingdomwarrior.net/battle-blog/2-samuel-1330-39Does revenge ever solve a problem? Picture
Perceive: The scene quickly moves from Baal Hazor to Jerusalem, back at David’s palace where we see David’s point of view. Based on a false report, the king tears his clothes and lies prostrate before the Lord in deep grief. He thought he was responsible for all of his sons dying, but in reality, only Amnon was murdered. Bad news often travels fast. During the confusion, Absalom fled eighty miles north to the country of his royal grandparents. This section of Scripture ends with David in Jerusalem mourning over his firstborn son, but in Geshur, his third born and next in line for the kingdom began plotting how he could take the kingdom from his father. He had three years to think and plan.
Practice: Unfortunately, the problem with revenge is it never solves any problems and only exacerbates the situation. The great English philosopher and author Francis Bacon once said, “a man is but even with his enemy, but in passing it (revenge) over, he is superior.”[i] Sometimes it is very difficult to forgive a wrong, especially a horrible wrong. Jesus is the model we should all strive for, “Consider him who endured from sinners such hostility against himself, so that you may not grow weary or fainthearted.” (Hebrews 12:3).
Pray: Lord, help me to forgive the wrongs done to me in a way that honors You.

This devotional challenge comes from The Heart of a Lion - King David of Israel and is available on Amazon.com

[i] See Of Revenge in the Essays of Francis Bacon

<![CDATA[2 Samuel 13:23-29]]>Fri, 23 Aug 2024 16:34:30 GMThttp://kingdomwarrior.net/battle-blog/august-23rd-2024 How well do you parent in your home? Picture
Perceive: After two full years, enough time has passed that most involved would have forgotten Tamar’s incest rape by Amnon but not Absalom. During this time Absalom devised a well laid out plan for murder. He manipulates the king with an invitation to a celebration. Apparently, Absalom gambled that David would decline his gracious invitation to join him in what would be a joyful occasion. Had David accepted the invitation, he would have had to wait longer to kill his half-brother. David declines the invitation, and Absalom asks for Amnon to take his father's place. Not fully certain of Absalom’s motives, David sends Amnon and all his sons as a means of security for Amnon. Upon Absalom’s order, his servants wait until Amnon is intoxicated and then they strike him down. All the other king’s sons mount their mules and flee as fast as they can.
Practice: David reaps what he has sown in his life. His sons are doing things to each other that also bear a reaping and sowing. Absalom succeeded in deceiving Amnon with similar tactics that Amnon deceived Tamar. And like Amnon, he deceived his father into ordering another of his children into a trap. David was lax in his discipline and disengaged as a parent. He knew the law regarding incest (Leviticus 20:17), and he knew the law for murder (Leviticus 24:17), yet he did nothing! His children reflect his parenting skills.
Pray: Great and merciful God, help me walk with You in how I discipline as a father and a grandfather.

This devotional challenge comes from The Heart of a Lion - King David of Israel and is available on Amazon.com

<![CDATA[2 Samuel 13:1-22]]>Thu, 22 Aug 2024 13:58:01 GMThttp://kingdomwarrior.net/battle-blog/2-samuel-131-22Have you considered how your sin impacts your children? Picture
Perceive: This section begins with two grown sons of David: Absalom and Amnon. Amnon was the firstborn and heir apparent. The second born son was Chileab (Kileab) and third in line was Absalom. Most historians believe Chileab died in his youth. The weight of sin is quick to display itself through the lives of David’s children. Amnon attempts to seduce his half-sister but ends up raping her when the seduction fails. Tamar’s brother Absalom takes her into his home and plots to murder Amnon. Here are three parallels between the sins of father and son. First, they committed sexual acts outside of marriage with beautiful women (v 1; 11:2). Second, the acts took place in the privacy of their homes (v 7; 11:4). Third,  both women grieved as a result (v 19; 11:26). Although David was angry, he did little to discipline his children. God’s prophetic word is true.
Practice: It is an unfortunate truth that the sins of one generation tend to flow into the next generation. Each sin reaps increasing consequence. The consequence of David’s sins provides God’s people with an example for others not to follow. One can only guess what Amnon was thinking, however wrong it was. He may have thought, “If my father committed adultery and murder and got away with it, I can commit incest and rape without punishment as well.” Such is the power of a bad example. Men love darkness rather than light. God is not mocked; a man reaps what he sows.
Pray: Great and merciful God, help me stop the flow of sin and break the chain that goes from one generation to the next. ​

This devotional challenge comes from The Heart of a Lion - King David of Israel and is available on Amazon.com

<![CDATA[2 Samuel 23:18-39]]>Wed, 21 Aug 2024 15:34:26 GMThttp://kingdomwarrior.net/battle-blog/2-samuel-2318-39How are you impacting the people close to you? Picture
Perceive: Abishai was so aggressive in battle, he tops the honor role of the thirty. Therefore, he became their commander, but he did not attain to the three.  Next is Benaiah who was born to serve as priest (1 Chronicles 27:5) but became a mighty warrior and served as one of David’s bodyguards (2 Samuel 8:18; 20:23). He is noted here for killing two sons of Ariel of Moab, a lion in the middle of a pit on a snowy day, and a well-armed Egyptian. He was loyal to David his entire life. The rest of this section lists the mighty men but not their exploits. The last name is Uriah the Hittite who is an unfortunate reminder of David’s failures. Scripture mentions thirty-six names in verses 8-39 so Joab maybe the thirty-seventh. Thirty was more of a title than an exact figure. It is likely replacements took place as some fell in battle.
Practice: Godly men who lead at home, at work, and in the community give life to others just like God gives life to them. In the same way, David trusted in the assurance of God’s care and guidance; we can exercise our faith while living as brothers in the battles of life. As God abides with David, He abides with us when we walk in His Word (John 15:1-11). God promises never to leave us nor forsake us. And in a similar way with David, He provides people to help in living life.
Pray: Help me, O Mighty God, to be a source of encouragement and obedience to those around me, especially in my sphere of influence. ​

This devotional challenge comes from The Heart of a Lion - King David of Israel and is available on Amazon.com
