Have you experienced a manifestation of the Holy Spirit?

Perceive: In this section of Scripture, we see two new groups of mighty warriors joining David and his band-of-brothers. From Gad comes a group of men ready for battle with spears and shields. From Benjamin and Judah come additional warriors who David approaches with caution since they were part of Saul’s tribe. After seeing the Holy Spirit come upon Amasai, he welcomes them and makes these seasoned combatants captains in his army. David’s walk with God, influence, and army continue to grow and expand. Again and again, Israel is reaffirming David as the legitimate ruler.
Practice: There are some subtle differences between the way the Holy Spirit worked in the Old Testament (OT) and then in the New Testament (NT). In the OT when God had something critical to happen or to say, He chose a person to do it or to say it. The Holy Spirit would come upon a person and thereby give them the power and ability to accomplish whatever God intended. Here the Spirit comes upon Amasai, a mighty warrior, and he spoke God’s word. In the New Testament the Spirit comes upon all true believers, not only to do God’s will, but to convict us of our sin, and dwell within us day-by-day. Some people have stronger manifestations than others. If you have felt convicted of sin, then you have had a manifestation.
Pray: O mighty God, thank You for the Holy Spirit. Please continue to manifest Your presence in my life in any way that brings glory to You.
Practice: There are some subtle differences between the way the Holy Spirit worked in the Old Testament (OT) and then in the New Testament (NT). In the OT when God had something critical to happen or to say, He chose a person to do it or to say it. The Holy Spirit would come upon a person and thereby give them the power and ability to accomplish whatever God intended. Here the Spirit comes upon Amasai, a mighty warrior, and he spoke God’s word. In the New Testament the Spirit comes upon all true believers, not only to do God’s will, but to convict us of our sin, and dwell within us day-by-day. Some people have stronger manifestations than others. If you have felt convicted of sin, then you have had a manifestation.
Pray: O mighty God, thank You for the Holy Spirit. Please continue to manifest Your presence in my life in any way that brings glory to You.