How do you react when God stops your plans?

Perceive: Here is David and almost all of Israel with the ark of the covenant. The worship music and joyful celebration fill the air with excitement. Suddenly in a providential act, the oxen stumble which causes the ark to tip. Thinking it is about to tip over, Uzza reaches out and steadies the holy relic violating a clear mandate from God, and the Lord struck him down. David’s celebration comes to a complete halt. He turns from experiencing great joy to being full of anger and then to being afraid. He stops transporting the ark and places it in Obed-Edom’s home for three months. During these three months, the presence of God blessed his household and everything he owned.
Practice: Although David was a man of war, he was also a man of deep worship. His desire to solidify worship for the nation was a worthy goal. Unfortunately, he neglected to read the Scriptures concerning the proper procedures for moving the ark. Like so many of us, he was quick to act and get the job done and may have relied on the previous circumstance regarding its movement (1 Samuel 6:7-16). All of us should take some time seeking guidance from Scripture and the Lord’s presence before undertaking anything that would impact our family or advance the kingdom of God.
Pray: Great and mighty God may all my plans be accomplished in a way that is pleasing to Your will especially in regard to Your holiness and majesty.
This devotional challenge comes from The Heart of a Lion - King David of Israel and is available on