Do you revel in the glory of God?

Perceive: The hard work of preparation results in completing the mission of restoring the ark of God at the capital of a united kingdom. Upon arrival, David carefully places the ark in the tent and begins to offer burnt and peace offerings followed by blessing the people with food for feasting and celebrating. Next, he appoints Levites to celebrate with thanks and praise. Succeeding this is a group of talented musicians using harps, cymbals, and trumpets to worship the Lord. On this day, David assigns Asaph as the chief musician and his relatives to set the example by giving thanks to the Lord. Asaph also penned twelve psalms (Psalms 50, 73-83).
Practice: Regardless of whether you can sing or not, everyone who belongs to the kingdom of Christ should sing and praise the Lord. A man’s worship should happen individually as well as in corporate settings. Some people say worship is so personal that whether alone or with others, enjoying God is the heart of individual reverence. At the heart of biblical worship is the glory of God and how that glory changes lives. Those who see and experience His glory progress in their service and sanctification. Those who seek recognition from the world grow in sin and selfishness. Men who come before His throne and revel in His glory are men who change the world. They help transform others as they transform into the image of Christ.
Pray: O mighty God, let me see and revel in Your glory, and if I need protection, please hide me in the cleft of the rock.
This devotional challenge comes from The Heart of a Lion - King David of Israel and is available on
Practice: Regardless of whether you can sing or not, everyone who belongs to the kingdom of Christ should sing and praise the Lord. A man’s worship should happen individually as well as in corporate settings. Some people say worship is so personal that whether alone or with others, enjoying God is the heart of individual reverence. At the heart of biblical worship is the glory of God and how that glory changes lives. Those who see and experience His glory progress in their service and sanctification. Those who seek recognition from the world grow in sin and selfishness. Men who come before His throne and revel in His glory are men who change the world. They help transform others as they transform into the image of Christ.
Pray: O mighty God, let me see and revel in Your glory, and if I need protection, please hide me in the cleft of the rock.
This devotional challenge comes from The Heart of a Lion - King David of Israel and is available on