How well do you acknowledge spiritual authority?

Perceive: Samuel anoints Saul as the king of Israel. When a king took office, he was not only crowned; he was also anointed. In ancient times the coronation ceremony was the act of establishing the new king as a ruler. The anointing of oil was the religious act of making the new king God’s appointed representative to the people. The leading prophet had the blessing and responsibility to anoint the king. Anointing oil was poured over the king’s head to symbolize the presence and power of the Holy Spirit and act as a reminder to lead the people by God’s wisdom. Israel's kings were to be subordinate to the chief prophet and his prophetic word. Saul and all the other kings after him were to derive their royal authorization secondary to the Lord's authority. But as so many leaders go, very few seek God first including Saul. Saul was commissioned, prayed over, anointed, and provided with several affirming prophecies including possession of the Holy Spirit.
Practice: Have you ever had someone try and take advantage of you? Someone who acts like they respect your authority and position but does not value the authority in your life? Saul was that kind of man. Ultimately, he rejected the authority of God. How about you? Do you want others to bend the rules for you? If so, you too are rejecting the authority that is over others and acting like king Saul.
Pray: Lord help me live a life of total surrender to you and to be a righteous servant living under your authority.
This devotional challenge comes from The Heart of a Lion - King David of Israel and is available on
Practice: Have you ever had someone try and take advantage of you? Someone who acts like they respect your authority and position but does not value the authority in your life? Saul was that kind of man. Ultimately, he rejected the authority of God. How about you? Do you want others to bend the rules for you? If so, you too are rejecting the authority that is over others and acting like king Saul.
Pray: Lord help me live a life of total surrender to you and to be a righteous servant living under your authority.
This devotional challenge comes from The Heart of a Lion - King David of Israel and is available on