Do you ever have feelings of inadequacy?

Perceive: The prophet Samuel gathers the people before the Lord to present to them their new human king. In his opening comments, he reminds them that God is the real king and by demanding a human leader instead of the Lord they are in fact rejecting their true King for an earthly one. God gives them a king that looks great on the outside but is not so good and wholesome on the inside. When the Israelites assembled to select their king, Saul knew he was the chosen one yet, instead of coming forward, he hides in the cover of baggage. Even before his coronation, he displays signs of weakness and low self -esteem.
Practice: Two things stand out in this section. Are you rejecting God by pushing Him aside and making someone or something your priority? It is of God we are saved from calamities, not human beings. The second one is dealing with our inadequacy. Often, we hide from important responsibilities because we are afraid to fail, afraid of what others may think, and not sure exactly how to proceed. Stepping into a role that God has assigned is sometimes like Peter getting out of the boat. You won’t know what is going to happen until you take that first step. It’s time to lean on God’s provision rather than holding back because of a sense of inadequacy. Step up and step out!
Pray: O mighty God, help me in my inadequacies. Teach me to rely on You and faithfully step up and out wherever You lead me.
This devotional challenge comes from The Heart of a Lion - King David of Israel and is available on
Practice: Two things stand out in this section. Are you rejecting God by pushing Him aside and making someone or something your priority? It is of God we are saved from calamities, not human beings. The second one is dealing with our inadequacy. Often, we hide from important responsibilities because we are afraid to fail, afraid of what others may think, and not sure exactly how to proceed. Stepping into a role that God has assigned is sometimes like Peter getting out of the boat. You won’t know what is going to happen until you take that first step. It’s time to lean on God’s provision rather than holding back because of a sense of inadequacy. Step up and step out!
Pray: O mighty God, help me in my inadequacies. Teach me to rely on You and faithfully step up and out wherever You lead me.
This devotional challenge comes from The Heart of a Lion - King David of Israel and is available on