Are you quick to forget the goodness of God?

Perceive: In Samuel’s farewell address, he challenges the people to point out any wrongs he has personally committed during his life and times as judge of Israel. Challenging the people was a clear way for him to ensure the public to own their request for a king. It was their idea, and they will own the consequences good or bad. Wrong choices do not thwart God’s eternal purposes. He retains the power to overthrow human choices to accomplish His will and to discipline His people in the process. Humans repeatedly make wrong choices and are quick to forget the goodness of God and must live with the consequences of bad choices. Israel’s history is a reminder of the goodness of God and the need to repent for wrongdoing. Time after time God would save them from their oppressors.
Practice: God chose to deliver His salvation to the nation of Israel amid her sin and rebelliousness through humans and often weak leaders. Salvation is about deliverance. Today as followers of Christ, we need to remember the forgiveness of sin, and the abundance of grace poured out on us through the blood of Christ.
Pray: Lord, show me where I let the cares of the world often reach in and choke my revelation of Your goodness to my life and the lives of Your people.
This devotional challenge comes from The Heart of a Lion - King David of Israel and is available on
Practice: God chose to deliver His salvation to the nation of Israel amid her sin and rebelliousness through humans and often weak leaders. Salvation is about deliverance. Today as followers of Christ, we need to remember the forgiveness of sin, and the abundance of grace poured out on us through the blood of Christ.
Pray: Lord, show me where I let the cares of the world often reach in and choke my revelation of Your goodness to my life and the lives of Your people.
This devotional challenge comes from The Heart of a Lion - King David of Israel and is available on