Do you fully comply with God’s word?

Perceive: Through the prophet Samuel, God gave Saul clear orders to be His instrument against the Amalekites for their attacks and ongoing raids against the nation of Israel. Saul and his men did not fully obey God’s command. Instead, they kept Agag the king and the best livestock for themselves. When God bans something, it is to be destroyed (Deut. 20:16-18)! The Lord’s command was to prevent the spread of idolatry. Many of the spoils they took became a focus of idol worship.
Practice: When we justify our sin to keep what we have or gain substantial possessions and wealth, we aren't discerning; we are violating God’s laws. Selective compliance is another form of clear disobedience. Idolatry comes in many forms but especially in the area of wealth and material possessions.
Pray: Almighty God, show me the areas of my life where I am not fully devoted to obeying Your word and living according to Your will.
Practice: When we justify our sin to keep what we have or gain substantial possessions and wealth, we aren't discerning; we are violating God’s laws. Selective compliance is another form of clear disobedience. Idolatry comes in many forms but especially in the area of wealth and material possessions.
Pray: Almighty God, show me the areas of my life where I am not fully devoted to obeying Your word and living according to Your will.