What drives you to disobey God?

Perceive: What had driven Saul from total obedience to God’s command? At the core of his thinking, it was fear of men rather than fear of the Lord. Because of his misguided fear, Saul found it more important to hear and act on the complaints of men instead of listening to the voice of God. Also, he enjoyed the economic gain from the spoils of war and the prized possession of a king prisoner. Both items he could display as personal trophies which boosted his ego and public image.
Practice: Saul disobeyed the Lord in a matter of utmost importance. He consistently disobeyed the Lord on previous occasions, and now the Lord rejected him as king. The way Saul attempted to justify his partial obedience proves his motives were wrong and sinful. All of us can face situations where the favor of men is more important that the favor of God. Which one is more important to you?
Pray: Lord, help me to obey Your word fully. Show me where the dark spots are in my heart and help me expose them to Your light. Help me to fear You with proper reverence and awe.
This devotional challenge comes from The Heart of a Lion - King David of Israel and is available on Amazon.com
Practice: Saul disobeyed the Lord in a matter of utmost importance. He consistently disobeyed the Lord on previous occasions, and now the Lord rejected him as king. The way Saul attempted to justify his partial obedience proves his motives were wrong and sinful. All of us can face situations where the favor of men is more important that the favor of God. Which one is more important to you?
Pray: Lord, help me to obey Your word fully. Show me where the dark spots are in my heart and help me expose them to Your light. Help me to fear You with proper reverence and awe.
This devotional challenge comes from The Heart of a Lion - King David of Israel and is available on Amazon.com