Does how you appear affect how you act?

Perceive: Saul, distressed about keeping his place of authority over the general public, asked Samuel a second time to come back with him and worship the Lord together. In a seeming exertion to pacify the prophet and reclaim his support, Saul confessed he sinned and yet still wanted to worship the Lord. He requested once again that Samuel join with him to honor him before Israel. Saul recognized that he needed the validation of Israel’s spiritual patriarch to govern the society successfully and accompanies him before the people. Saul’s starting to show less and less true concern for living in spiritual truth.
Practice: Saul was more concerned about what others would think of him than he was about the condition of his relationship with God. Needing the prophets visual backing, he begs him to worship in front of the people as a public means of visual support. If Samuel had refused, the people most likely would have lost all confidence in King Saul. Saul wanted to look good no matter what! How about you? Are you so concerned about the way people see you that you are unwilling to have your weaknesses or problems exposed?
Pray: O mighty God, show me the areas of my life that need more of Your truth and light. Help me to live humbly before men and to know when to ask for help from more mature leaders.
This devotional challenge comes from The Heart of a Lion - King David of Israel and is available on
Practice: Saul was more concerned about what others would think of him than he was about the condition of his relationship with God. Needing the prophets visual backing, he begs him to worship in front of the people as a public means of visual support. If Samuel had refused, the people most likely would have lost all confidence in King Saul. Saul wanted to look good no matter what! How about you? Are you so concerned about the way people see you that you are unwilling to have your weaknesses or problems exposed?
Pray: O mighty God, show me the areas of my life that need more of Your truth and light. Help me to live humbly before men and to know when to ask for help from more mature leaders.
This devotional challenge comes from The Heart of a Lion - King David of Israel and is available on