How well do you evaluate appearances?

Perceive: Like most men, Samuel evaluated Jesse’s sons by their physical appearance. David’s older brothers looked like worthy kings on the outside but not on the inside. Human beings judge a man by outward appearances; God judges a man by the state of his heart. All the kings of Israel were set apart as leaders by a consecration service. Once consecrated they were to serve as God’s representative to the nation. Unfortunately, God rejected Saul’s kingship and all his descendants.
Practice: Saul was tall and handsome with outwardly impressive looks. Samuel was evaluating the sons of Jesse by their outward appearances. When men judge by outward appearances, they may easily overlook those who have less impressive physical features. Outward appearances don’t reveal inward realities. God judges the inner realities of a man’s heart which is much more accurate. God knows the condition of your heart. What actions and attitudes are you considering so you can improve your inner man? How do you evaluate the men and women in your life?
Pray: O Lord, give me the ability to see people the way You see them and to know when outward looks are deceiving of inward realities.
This devotional challenge comes from The Heart of a Lion - King David of Israel and is available on
Practice: Saul was tall and handsome with outwardly impressive looks. Samuel was evaluating the sons of Jesse by their outward appearances. When men judge by outward appearances, they may easily overlook those who have less impressive physical features. Outward appearances don’t reveal inward realities. God judges the inner realities of a man’s heart which is much more accurate. God knows the condition of your heart. What actions and attitudes are you considering so you can improve your inner man? How do you evaluate the men and women in your life?
Pray: O Lord, give me the ability to see people the way You see them and to know when outward looks are deceiving of inward realities.
This devotional challenge comes from The Heart of a Lion - King David of Israel and is available on