Do your rewards stimulate faith or support an ego?

Perceive: The death of Goliath produced panic in the Philistine soldiers, and they fled in total disorder. What the Philistines assume is an easy victory; fortunately for Israel, as an impossible situation was now a turn of events. Goliath's challenges and rants for a winner take all are put where they belong, trampled beneath the feet of God’s army. Energized by David’s military success and the sight of panic-stricken Philistines, the army of Israel chased their enemy westward inflicting vengeance along the way. On returning from killing the Philistines, the Israelites plundered their enemy. The battle belongs to the Lord, the spoils of war go to the victor.
Practice: David’s trophies were the giant’s weapons and his head. The weapons he puts in his tent and Goliath’s head he takes to Jerusalem after he shows it to the king. Trophies can be good, and they can be bad. God often gives us victories that include the reward of trophies. When we view our rewards as visual or spiritual indicators of God’s faithfulness, they serve to reinforce our faith. When we view our rewards as something to support our image or ego, they become idols. An idol is anything that robs God of the glory that rightfully belongs to Him.
Pray: O mighty God, help me always to look at my life rewards and possessions as gifts from You and not idols to control my life.
Practice: David’s trophies were the giant’s weapons and his head. The weapons he puts in his tent and Goliath’s head he takes to Jerusalem after he shows it to the king. Trophies can be good, and they can be bad. God often gives us victories that include the reward of trophies. When we view our rewards as visual or spiritual indicators of God’s faithfulness, they serve to reinforce our faith. When we view our rewards as something to support our image or ego, they become idols. An idol is anything that robs God of the glory that rightfully belongs to Him.
Pray: O mighty God, help me always to look at my life rewards and possessions as gifts from You and not idols to control my life.