Are you used by God or being usable?

Perceive: This was the second time that Saul joined a group of prophets and prophesied. This group of men may have been attending school under Samuel in preparation for future ministry. Unlike the first time (1 Samuel 10) Saul is obsessed with jealousy over David’s growing fame, growing influence, growing success, and growing favor with God’s people. In a strange exercise of God’s power, the Spirit of God immobilizes Saul, so he is unable to bring harm to David. While prophesying, Saul strips his royal clothes and lies naked before the world. It is as though God’s rejection of him would not allow him to wear royal attire. While Saul is prophesying, David flees.
Practice: There is a big difference between being used by God and being usable by God. God used Saul while David was usable. Saul was in a trance speaking the word of God although he was far from thinking God’s thoughts, while David was praying to God and seeking His face. God rejected one, selected and anointed the other. God can use anyone, anytime, and in any way He chooses. Are you a useable man or a used being?
Pray: Great and mighty God, forgive me for any times I have acted stubborn and resisted Your molding me into an image that is more Christlike. Help me to stay usable as a godly vessel.
This devotional challenge comes from The Heart of a Lion - King David of Israel and is available on
Practice: There is a big difference between being used by God and being usable by God. God used Saul while David was usable. Saul was in a trance speaking the word of God although he was far from thinking God’s thoughts, while David was praying to God and seeking His face. God rejected one, selected and anointed the other. God can use anyone, anytime, and in any way He chooses. Are you a useable man or a used being?
Pray: Great and mighty God, forgive me for any times I have acted stubborn and resisted Your molding me into an image that is more Christlike. Help me to stay usable as a godly vessel.
This devotional challenge comes from The Heart of a Lion - King David of Israel and is available on