Have you ever hit rock bottom?

Perceive: Fear does strange things to a man’s ability to reason. In this situation, David may have thought going to Gath was a good idea since Saul would never think to look for him in that location. It isn’t long until the servants of king Achish recognize David and even know the latest song in Israel. This revelation increased David’s fear to the point he felt so desperate for his life that he acted insanely and let saliva drip from his beard. It was customary at this time in history not to harm mentally ill people. Even though he was protecting himself by acting insane, David finally hit rock bottom.
Practice: At this point in the life of David he has lost his job, his wife, his counselor, his best friend, and now he has lost his self-respect. In the case of David, it appears the Lord is removing all the people and things he would be tempted to rely on, rather than leaning into the Lord. Anytime we lean on something rather than on the Lord; He will remove the crutch. Crutches come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. Things like cash, careers, cute girls, and counselors to name a few. Whenever God removes a crutch from your life, there will be pain and instability. This pain and instability is the Lord’s way of driving you back into leaning on Him.
Pray: O mighty God, show me those things where I am leaning on something or someone other than You. Gently remove any crutch that hinders me from walking by faith and living in hope.
This devotional challenge comes from The Heart of a Lion - King David of Israel and is available on Amazon.com
Practice: At this point in the life of David he has lost his job, his wife, his counselor, his best friend, and now he has lost his self-respect. In the case of David, it appears the Lord is removing all the people and things he would be tempted to rely on, rather than leaning into the Lord. Anytime we lean on something rather than on the Lord; He will remove the crutch. Crutches come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. Things like cash, careers, cute girls, and counselors to name a few. Whenever God removes a crutch from your life, there will be pain and instability. This pain and instability is the Lord’s way of driving you back into leaning on Him.
Pray: O mighty God, show me those things where I am leaning on something or someone other than You. Gently remove any crutch that hinders me from walking by faith and living in hope.
This devotional challenge comes from The Heart of a Lion - King David of Israel and is available on Amazon.com