Have you ever felt like hiding in a cave?

Perceive: After hitting rock bottom, David escapes to the cave of Adullam where he finds some momentary seclusion, safety, and rest. Feeling all alone, he pours out his heart to God. In this dark and damp setting, he finds God answering his prayers and sending him his extended family members and then four hundred malcontents. Most likely his family members were hunted by Saul. The four hundred malcontents were men who were in distress (or in some trouble), in debt, and discontented (having some grievance or major loss). In a way unique to the Lord, David becomes their leader, and he starts building an army of well-trained men. He is no longer alone or without people who want to be with him.
Practice: God likes doing things in some strange places, and he often sends some strange people into our lives at just the right moment and time. These people were castaways themselves and could only improve their lives by helping David become king. David’s leadership over this band of misfits illustrates his resourcefulness, ability to lead, and skills at motivating others. It takes a competent and skillful leader to build an effective fighting force out of the kind of men God sent him. If you are facing difficult circumstances that make you feel captive, consider getting closer to the people God has placed in your life. They are there for a reason!
Pray: O Lord, help me face the things that make me feel like a prisoner trusting in You as well as seeing who You send to help.
This devotional challenge comes from The Heart of a Lion - King David of Israel and is available on Amazon.com
Practice: God likes doing things in some strange places, and he often sends some strange people into our lives at just the right moment and time. These people were castaways themselves and could only improve their lives by helping David become king. David’s leadership over this band of misfits illustrates his resourcefulness, ability to lead, and skills at motivating others. It takes a competent and skillful leader to build an effective fighting force out of the kind of men God sent him. If you are facing difficult circumstances that make you feel captive, consider getting closer to the people God has placed in your life. They are there for a reason!
Pray: O Lord, help me face the things that make me feel like a prisoner trusting in You as well as seeing who You send to help.
This devotional challenge comes from The Heart of a Lion - King David of Israel and is available on Amazon.com