Can you determine God’s voice in other people?

Perceive: After hearing how her husband insulted David and his men, Abigail realizes her home, and entire existence is great danger, so she readies a gift, saddles the donkeys, and speeds her way to David. As soon as she sees David, she takes action by getting off her donkey, falling at his feet, and bowing to the ground in humble submission. Immediately after this, she pleads for mercy. In her plea, she successfully intercedes on behalf of her husband and helps David avoid blood guilt. Hearing God’s wisdom in her words, David agrees with her and gives thanks to the Lord for sending her, receives her gifts, and sends her home safe and secure. After Abigail reports the story to her surly husband, he has a heart-related failure and dies ten days later.
Practice: This short story is a great reminder that God often sends people our way to help us see His hand in our actions. David was close to acting more like Saul than an upcoming king. To his credit, he learns that patience and restraint are a better way than anger and revenge. Unlike Nabal and Saul, David could hear an unexpected word from God that corrected his understanding of his circumstances, and then responded accordingly. No matter how right we think we are, we should always take a moment or two to listen to others.
Pray: O Lord, send godly people my way when it is necessary. Help me see and hear Your word when and where it is appropriate. Help me avoid more trouble and trauma in my life.
Practice: This short story is a great reminder that God often sends people our way to help us see His hand in our actions. David was close to acting more like Saul than an upcoming king. To his credit, he learns that patience and restraint are a better way than anger and revenge. Unlike Nabal and Saul, David could hear an unexpected word from God that corrected his understanding of his circumstances, and then responded accordingly. No matter how right we think we are, we should always take a moment or two to listen to others.
Pray: O Lord, send godly people my way when it is necessary. Help me see and hear Your word when and where it is appropriate. Help me avoid more trouble and trauma in my life.