Do you see God at work in your circumstances?

Perceive: This is the last time King Saul, and the anointed king David will see each other. After David sneaks into the camp and removes Saul’s spear, they have a final discussion where Saul confesses his guilt and acknowledges David as his son. How easily David could have killed his adversary with his spear but instead, he spares Saul’s life and turns it over to the hands of the Lord. Based on his lesson with Nabal, he may have thought the Lord might directly strike his adversary with an untimely death. David returns Saul’s spear and expresses his faith that God will honor his actions and deliver him from his troubles. He continues to grow in his trust and dependence upon the Lord.
Practice: As we grow and mature in our faith, we also become more confident about God’s guidance, and we spend less time seeking constant sources of evidence. Unfortunately, in our world today, the opposite is taking place. More and more the world is pushing out the existence of God and His Word. As godly men, we must grow in our conviction that God is at work in the big deals and the small details of life.
Pray: O mighty God, help me see You at work in and through all the circumstances both large and small.
This devotional challenge comes from The Heart of a Lion - King David of Israel and is available on
Practice: As we grow and mature in our faith, we also become more confident about God’s guidance, and we spend less time seeking constant sources of evidence. Unfortunately, in our world today, the opposite is taking place. More and more the world is pushing out the existence of God and His Word. As godly men, we must grow in our conviction that God is at work in the big deals and the small details of life.
Pray: O mighty God, help me see You at work in and through all the circumstances both large and small.
This devotional challenge comes from The Heart of a Lion - King David of Israel and is available on