Are you on the front line or serving in the rear?

Perceive: The battle with the Amalekites results in a stunning victory. After returning to the men who were too exhausted to follow him into battle, the wicked and worthless soldiers in his army acted in a selfish and greedy manner. They were angry and demanded that those who were in the rescue battle should share the plunder and those who stayed with the baggage could only have his family members returned. David makes a great statement about sharing the load in any organization. Those on the front line must share with those who stay and support from the rear. David then shares the plunder with his friends in Judah. Most likely these were the citizens who he would later rule over as king.
Practice: This principle of sharing was so important to David that he made a law that those who stayed with the supplies were to be treated equally with those who served on the front lines. Today’s military concept of the tooth to tail is about one to three. In other words, it takes three people in the rear working support logistics to support one combatant fighting on the front line. All of us who name the name of Christ are in His army. In some situations, we are on the front lines, and in others, we are supporting from the rear. His army needs healthy warriors in the tooth and the tail. No matter where you serve, you should be a soldier of the cross!
Pray: O Lord, thank You for the saints of Your army. Help me to be supportive and honoring to all who serve You.
This devotional challenge comes from The Heart of a Lion - King David of Israel and is available on
Practice: This principle of sharing was so important to David that he made a law that those who stayed with the supplies were to be treated equally with those who served on the front lines. Today’s military concept of the tooth to tail is about one to three. In other words, it takes three people in the rear working support logistics to support one combatant fighting on the front line. All of us who name the name of Christ are in His army. In some situations, we are on the front lines, and in others, we are supporting from the rear. His army needs healthy warriors in the tooth and the tail. No matter where you serve, you should be a soldier of the cross!
Pray: O Lord, thank You for the saints of Your army. Help me to be supportive and honoring to all who serve You.
This devotional challenge comes from The Heart of a Lion - King David of Israel and is available on