Would you like to reap in death what you sow in life?

Perceive: The residents of Jabesh Gilead never forgot how King Saul rescued them from the Ammonites (1 Samuel 11). Early in his career, this was one of his more shining moments. Too bad this kind of shining moment did not last throughout his reign. Remembering Saul’s help in their time of trouble, some valiant men spend all night traveling to the battle site to find the body of Saul and his sons. After removing the bodies from the wall, these valiant men ceremonially burn them until only the bones remained. They bury the bones under a tree and hold a seven-day fast. Saul reaps in death what he sowed in life.
Practice: Saul’s death served to illustrate the end of an ideal. Israel could no longer believe that a human king like the other nations would solve their problems and make improvements for their lives. Saul tried to bend God by his superficial spirituality. Real spirituality takes a lifetime of consistent obedience. This text illustrates the tragic consequences of relating wrongly with God and to others. Saul was dedicated to himself in life and even in death. God removed him because of the many wrongs he committed and gave the kingdom to David (1 Chronicles 10:14).
Pray: O mighty God, show me the best way to invest my life in helping others and enable me to finish well. Help me to live obediently day-by-day.
This devotional challenge comes from The Heart of a Lion - King David of Israel and is available on Amazon.com
Practice: Saul’s death served to illustrate the end of an ideal. Israel could no longer believe that a human king like the other nations would solve their problems and make improvements for their lives. Saul tried to bend God by his superficial spirituality. Real spirituality takes a lifetime of consistent obedience. This text illustrates the tragic consequences of relating wrongly with God and to others. Saul was dedicated to himself in life and even in death. God removed him because of the many wrongs he committed and gave the kingdom to David (1 Chronicles 10:14).
Pray: O mighty God, show me the best way to invest my life in helping others and enable me to finish well. Help me to live obediently day-by-day.
This devotional challenge comes from The Heart of a Lion - King David of Israel and is available on Amazon.com