Is God sitting on the throne of your heart?

Perceive: Changes in leadership often reveal the real character of followers. In this situation, Samuel’s sons were so bad that even their father could not deny the people’s concerns. It is in the solution, Samuel struggles. The people wanted a king to lead just like other nations. In reality, the people were rejecting God and His divine leadership for a nation that runs on human inspiration and presence. The situation for us is similar: Do we rely on God’s strength and direction or follow the way of the world and human reasoning?
Practice: The people wanted a king, thinking a new leader and a new system of government would bring about real change for the nation. Because their fundamental problem was disobedience, their other problems would continue regardless of who was leading and or governing. They needed a united faith, not a uniform ruler. Our obedience is weak if we ask God to lead our personal life and continue to live by the world’s standards and values.
Pray: O Lord, show me when I have placed myself on the throne of my heart. Help me live each day according to Your word and Your will.
This devotional challenge comes from The Heart of a Lion - King David of Israel and is available on
Practice: The people wanted a king, thinking a new leader and a new system of government would bring about real change for the nation. Because their fundamental problem was disobedience, their other problems would continue regardless of who was leading and or governing. They needed a united faith, not a uniform ruler. Our obedience is weak if we ask God to lead our personal life and continue to live by the world’s standards and values.
Pray: O Lord, show me when I have placed myself on the throne of my heart. Help me live each day according to Your word and Your will.
This devotional challenge comes from The Heart of a Lion - King David of Israel and is available on