Is the world reaping the consequences of a misplaced faith?

Perceive: Samuel’s characterization of Israelite kings is an excellent description of government yesterday and today. As the government grows, so grows the need for more resources. Just like human resources are wanted for a monarchy's maintenance, money and equipment resources are wanted for increasing entitlements for domestic causes as well as local and national defense. Unfortunately, large quantities of materials are needed to sustain a bureaucracy. The bigger the bureaucracy, the more resources are required. Unfortunately, take, and more take is the standard process for growing government.
Practice: Placing this growing burden on the backs of citizens eventually reduces them to slaves. The people cried out for relief from the king as though he were an enemy, and the Lord was slow to answer and give them comfort. We too have a choice in whom we elect as our leaders. Poor decisions can have enormous consequences. Today, far too many people feel their leaders are an enemy to their way of life and it seems like the Lord is slow to answer. Could it be that we are reaping the consequence of misplaced faith?
Pray: Lord, help me today to pray for those who are in governing positions of our nation. Convict our political leaders of their need to see your face, to know Your word, and to make laws that help all the people live better lives. Convict them of their sin.
This devotional challenge comes from The Heart of a Lion - King David of Israel and is available on
Practice: Placing this growing burden on the backs of citizens eventually reduces them to slaves. The people cried out for relief from the king as though he were an enemy, and the Lord was slow to answer and give them comfort. We too have a choice in whom we elect as our leaders. Poor decisions can have enormous consequences. Today, far too many people feel their leaders are an enemy to their way of life and it seems like the Lord is slow to answer. Could it be that we are reaping the consequence of misplaced faith?
Pray: Lord, help me today to pray for those who are in governing positions of our nation. Convict our political leaders of their need to see your face, to know Your word, and to make laws that help all the people live better lives. Convict them of their sin.
This devotional challenge comes from The Heart of a Lion - King David of Israel and is available on