Do you trust the Lord or your political party?

Perceive: Samuel was a godly man and even though the request of the people disturbed him, he took it to the Lord in prayer and the Lord answered him. His people wanted a change in their nation but not in their hearts. What they needed was a rekindled faith in God not a trust in a strong-willed man. When we seek God to lead us but continue to live by the world’s standards and values, our faith is flawed and weak. God must lead the heart and rule the mind.
Practice: The people wanted to be like the neighboring nations. Unfortunately, having a king would make it easy to forget that God was their real leader. The rule of God over Israel in a theocratic nation was the ideal. Samuel is concerned and possibly confused, so he prays for clarity and guidance.
Pray: O mighty God, help me see Your hand in my life and to continue giving Your full rule and reign over my heart and mind. Keep me from allowing the world to impact my faith but rather help me use my faith to impact the world. Help my home, church, state, and nation rekindle trust in You.
This devotional challenge comes from The Heart of a Lion - King David of Israel and is available on
Practice: The people wanted to be like the neighboring nations. Unfortunately, having a king would make it easy to forget that God was their real leader. The rule of God over Israel in a theocratic nation was the ideal. Samuel is concerned and possibly confused, so he prays for clarity and guidance.
Pray: O mighty God, help me see Your hand in my life and to continue giving Your full rule and reign over my heart and mind. Keep me from allowing the world to impact my faith but rather help me use my faith to impact the world. Help my home, church, state, and nation rekindle trust in You.
This devotional challenge comes from The Heart of a Lion - King David of Israel and is available on