Could you patiently wait fifteen years for a promise?

Perceive: After his slaughter over the raiding Amalekites, David and his band of brothers return to their enemy hideout in Ziklag. Three days later a man brings news of King Saul’s death. Oddly enough it is an Amalekite who apparently was a deserter or some scavenger. In his description of the battle scene, he claims to be someone acting out of compassion when he delivered the death blow to Israel’s king. For proof, he produces the crown and royal bracelet. How ironic that an Amalekite who Saul failed to kill (1 Samuel 15) is in his dying breath asking an Amalekite to end his life. The messenger knows David will be the new king and most likely expects a healthy reward.
Practice: Sometimes the sin we fail to slay, slays us. Saul was a man who lived for himself. David was a man who waited for God to fulfill His word. David may have wondered when God would keep His word and fulfill His promise. It was about fifteen years since the prophet Samuel anointed him as the future king. In a way only known fully to God, David went through fifteen years of struggles. With each new hardship, he renewed his relationship with the God of Israel which ultimately prepared him for the positional responsibilities as Israel’s king.
Pray: O Lord, strengthen me in the daily struggles of life. I know You are preparing me for the future. I know I can trust in You.
This devotional challenge comes from The Heart of a Lion - King David of Israel and is available on
Practice: Sometimes the sin we fail to slay, slays us. Saul was a man who lived for himself. David was a man who waited for God to fulfill His word. David may have wondered when God would keep His word and fulfill His promise. It was about fifteen years since the prophet Samuel anointed him as the future king. In a way only known fully to God, David went through fifteen years of struggles. With each new hardship, he renewed his relationship with the God of Israel which ultimately prepared him for the positional responsibilities as Israel’s king.
Pray: O Lord, strengthen me in the daily struggles of life. I know You are preparing me for the future. I know I can trust in You.
This devotional challenge comes from The Heart of a Lion - King David of Israel and is available on