How quickly do you own your sinful behavior?

Perceive: Instead of seeking the Lords' face and calling on the Lord to forgive him his sins, the king develops a backup plan to cover up the incident. He sends for Uriah, her husband, and tries to manipulate him into going home and sleeping with his wife, thereby covering up what he did. Subsequently, Uriah was a godly warrior and set a better example of integrity than his king by refusing to go home! Away from soldiering, David was home and indulges his flesh (v 2), Uriah is away from soldiering and maintains his godly discipline (v 11). Seeing his first strategy fail, David attempted a new scheme and made one of his mighty men drunk, hoping the influence of wine would break down his will. But even under the intoxication of wine, Uriah was a more disciplined man than a sober David!
Practice: Being a man of power and influence are great opportunities if they are handled well. Unfortunately, absolute power corrupts absolutely. There comes a time in every man’s life when he must choose to live by godly principles or worldly circumstances. David chose to manipulate his circumstances to hide his sin. Uriah chose to honor God and live by principle and not on circumstance. The next time your temptation to feed the flesh appears, be sure to do the right thing. If you sin, don’t try and cover it up. Own your stuff! Otherwise, God will continue to make sure it gets worse rather than better.
Pray: O Lord, my God, help me to own my stuff and whenever applicable to live by Your principles and not by my circumstance.
This devotional challenge comes from The Heart of a Lion - King David of Israel and is available on
Practice: Being a man of power and influence are great opportunities if they are handled well. Unfortunately, absolute power corrupts absolutely. There comes a time in every man’s life when he must choose to live by godly principles or worldly circumstances. David chose to manipulate his circumstances to hide his sin. Uriah chose to honor God and live by principle and not on circumstance. The next time your temptation to feed the flesh appears, be sure to do the right thing. If you sin, don’t try and cover it up. Own your stuff! Otherwise, God will continue to make sure it gets worse rather than better.
Pray: O Lord, my God, help me to own my stuff and whenever applicable to live by Your principles and not by my circumstance.
This devotional challenge comes from The Heart of a Lion - King David of Israel and is available on