Have you considered how your sin impacts your children?

Perceive: This section begins with two grown sons of David: Absalom and Amnon. Amnon was the firstborn and heir apparent. The second born son was Chileab (Kileab) and third in line was Absalom. Most historians believe Chileab died in his youth. The weight of sin is quick to display itself through the lives of David’s children. Amnon attempts to seduce his half-sister but ends up raping her when the seduction fails. Tamar’s brother Absalom takes her into his home and plots to murder Amnon. Here are three parallels between the sins of father and son. First, they committed sexual acts outside of marriage with beautiful women (v 1; 11:2). Second, the acts took place in the privacy of their homes (v 7; 11:4). Third, both women grieved as a result (v 19; 11:26). Although David was angry, he did little to discipline his children. God’s prophetic word is true.
Practice: It is an unfortunate truth that the sins of one generation tend to flow into the next generation. Each sin reaps increasing consequence. The consequence of David’s sins provides God’s people with an example for others not to follow. One can only guess what Amnon was thinking, however wrong it was. He may have thought, “If my father committed adultery and murder and got away with it, I can commit incest and rape without punishment as well.” Such is the power of a bad example. Men love darkness rather than light. God is not mocked; a man reaps what he sows.
Pray: Great and merciful God, help me stop the flow of sin and break the chain that goes from one generation to the next.
This devotional challenge comes from The Heart of a Lion - King David of Israel and is available on Amazon.com
Practice: It is an unfortunate truth that the sins of one generation tend to flow into the next generation. Each sin reaps increasing consequence. The consequence of David’s sins provides God’s people with an example for others not to follow. One can only guess what Amnon was thinking, however wrong it was. He may have thought, “If my father committed adultery and murder and got away with it, I can commit incest and rape without punishment as well.” Such is the power of a bad example. Men love darkness rather than light. God is not mocked; a man reaps what he sows.
Pray: Great and merciful God, help me stop the flow of sin and break the chain that goes from one generation to the next.
This devotional challenge comes from The Heart of a Lion - King David of Israel and is available on Amazon.com