Are you merciful to those who have wronged others?

Perceive: In a strategy very similar to the prophet Nathan, Joab creates a plan to help King David regarding his son Absalom. Joab enlists the service of a woman from Tekoa. She was to gain a hearing with the king, provide a fictitious story requiring a strong judgment, and let the king make his ruling decision, a compelling decision that would also relate to his life. Whoever she was, she could tell the story with dramatic effects. Her fictitious story bears a strong resemblance to the first murder in the Bible between Cain and his brother Abel (Genesis 4:8-16). It was the king’s duty to uphold the law, and he could not give Absalom permission to return home until he felt it was the correct thing to do.
Practice: It’s been three years since Absalom fled for murdering his half-brother. Time has a way of changing someone’s perspective and Joab, realizing that David was missing his son, masterminds this event. He may have gambled on David’s understanding of the Torah. God was merciful to Cain despite legal guidelines to the contrary, and now David is merciful to Absalom. Since Absalom was next in line to the throne, he may have had concerns about David’s replacement as king. At this point, David was nearing sixty years of age.
Pray: Great and mighty God, help me to show mercy where it is best needed. Convict me when I am harsh or sullen.
This devotional challenge comes from The Heart of a Lion - King David of Israel and is available on
Practice: It’s been three years since Absalom fled for murdering his half-brother. Time has a way of changing someone’s perspective and Joab, realizing that David was missing his son, masterminds this event. He may have gambled on David’s understanding of the Torah. God was merciful to Cain despite legal guidelines to the contrary, and now David is merciful to Absalom. Since Absalom was next in line to the throne, he may have had concerns about David’s replacement as king. At this point, David was nearing sixty years of age.
Pray: Great and mighty God, help me to show mercy where it is best needed. Convict me when I am harsh or sullen.
This devotional challenge comes from The Heart of a Lion - King David of Israel and is available on