Do you raise your children with godly discipline?

Perceive: Although David banned Absalom from seeing him, this did not stop his popularity from growing with the people. He was the most handsome man in the country, and he knew his looks and charm were an asset to control or influence others. After two full years under house arrest, Absalom sends for Joab, but he does not respond, so Absalom has his fields burned. Joab is quick to respond. Absalom wants a change in his living circumstances: either forgive me or kill me kind of approach. Joab meets with David and then has Absalom brought to the palace where David forgives him and gives him a fatherly kiss. This act demonstrated two things: respect and acceptance. For a short period, David regained his son, and Absalom regained his father.
Practice: As an independent and scheming man, Absalom was quick to act to make things happen. Without a father to keep him somewhat behaved, he most likely did what he wanted. Being such a good-looking man added to his self-centered approach to life. All children need good order and godly discipline, especially the beautiful and talented, otherwise they may grow up thinking they can do just about anything they want. Absalom still had a hidden agenda and wanted to seize the throne.
Pray: O Lord, help me to have the proper balance of justice, mercy, forgiveness, and godly discipline with my children and grandchildren.
This devotional challenge comes from The Heart of a Lion - King David of Israel and is available on
Practice: As an independent and scheming man, Absalom was quick to act to make things happen. Without a father to keep him somewhat behaved, he most likely did what he wanted. Being such a good-looking man added to his self-centered approach to life. All children need good order and godly discipline, especially the beautiful and talented, otherwise they may grow up thinking they can do just about anything they want. Absalom still had a hidden agenda and wanted to seize the throne.
Pray: O Lord, help me to have the proper balance of justice, mercy, forgiveness, and godly discipline with my children and grandchildren.
This devotional challenge comes from The Heart of a Lion - King David of Israel and is available on