how do you react when you are betrayed?

Perceive: Grasping the reality of his situation, David openly shows his grief by weeping heavy tears. Like Jesus, David was man enough to weep in front of others. While continuing east, a messenger and another godly friend arrive on the scene. The messenger informs David of Ahithophel’s betrayal. Knowing his counselor so well, David immediately asks God to turn Ahithophel’s advice from wise to foolish. Reaching the summit, they spend a moment in worship. At this time God answers David’s prayer in the form of his friend Hushai, another Gentile who honored the Lord and his Jewish king. David’s assets and spies are now aligned to work together to provide critical intelligence, and whenever Ahithophel would give counsel, Hushai could do his best to thwart the advice.
Practice: Heartache, turmoil, and tragedy often define friendship. During this period of Absalom’s revolt, we see the reaction of five men who were the king’s friends: Ahithophel, Ittai, Zadok, Abiathar, and Hushai. One is a traitor, and four are loyal. These four friends considered it an honor to serve David and help restore him to the throne. Each of these four men could tell others that “I am a dedicated servant ready to do whatever my king commands.” As godly men, we should say the same thing to the King of kings and Lord of lords.
Pray: O mighty God, what is Your divine will for my life today? Help me to serve You in any way You desire. Thank You for being my King and my Lord.
This devotional challenge comes from The Heart of a Lion - King David of Israel and is available on
Practice: Heartache, turmoil, and tragedy often define friendship. During this period of Absalom’s revolt, we see the reaction of five men who were the king’s friends: Ahithophel, Ittai, Zadok, Abiathar, and Hushai. One is a traitor, and four are loyal. These four friends considered it an honor to serve David and help restore him to the throne. Each of these four men could tell others that “I am a dedicated servant ready to do whatever my king commands.” As godly men, we should say the same thing to the King of kings and Lord of lords.
Pray: O mighty God, what is Your divine will for my life today? Help me to serve You in any way You desire. Thank You for being my King and my Lord.
This devotional challenge comes from The Heart of a Lion - King David of Israel and is available on