How well do you persevere in your call from God?

Perceive: David first reigned over Judah, his tribe, with his headquarters at Hebron. However, Abner, the commander of Saul’s army, had made Saul’s son Ishbosheth the king over the other tribes. He relocated the capital over the Jordan River in Mahanaim to protect himself and the new king from David’s men. Of course, Abner had a personal interest in the household of Saul since he was Saul’s cousin (1 Samuel. 14:50). It’s only natural that civil war would erupt between the two thrones. One was anointed by God, the other by man. In an early conflict, Abner and Joab meet at the pool of Gibeon. After a champion warfare challenge, each side picks twelve men to do combat in the middle. Oddly enough all twelve on each side kill all twelve on the other side. David’s men were victorious for the rest of the day. David rules from Hebron for seven and a half years. It is a time of civil war.
Practice: It is assumed Abner played a significant role in driving out the Philistines and seeking to preserve the house of Saul over the house of David. Eventually, he sees the crown going to Saul’s son, Ish-bosheth. Unfortunately, the Philistines still dominated the northern area. Ish-bosheth was a weak leader. It is important to seek God and know his will when you help support people in leadership.
Pray: O Lord, help me always to remember it is not by might that You lead, but by Your power and presence. Help me see my spiritual leaders the way You see them and support them in prayer.
This devotional challenge comes from The Heart of a Lion - King David of Israel and is available on
Practice: It is assumed Abner played a significant role in driving out the Philistines and seeking to preserve the house of Saul over the house of David. Eventually, he sees the crown going to Saul’s son, Ish-bosheth. Unfortunately, the Philistines still dominated the northern area. Ish-bosheth was a weak leader. It is important to seek God and know his will when you help support people in leadership.
Pray: O Lord, help me always to remember it is not by might that You lead, but by Your power and presence. Help me see my spiritual leaders the way You see them and support them in prayer.
This devotional challenge comes from The Heart of a Lion - King David of Israel and is available on