What are you willing to do to restore peace and prosperity?

Perceive: The first thing Abner does to promote David as Israel’s king is to meet with the tribal elders. Though these leaders possessed less authority than the king in a monarchical society, they probably were more respected and influential within their respective tribes than the king. It was the tribal elders who demanded the creation of an Israelite monarchy in the first place (1 Samuel 8:4–5), and support of David would assure his acknowledgment as king throughout Israel. He also mentions the rising threat of the Philistines and the need for a king to fight the country’s battles. Next, he increases his audience to include Ish-bosheths’ tribe and the people of Hebron. After a large feast over the unification and peace treaty, David sends Abner away.
Practice: Abner was an interesting man who enjoyed his power and position in the house of Saul. His earlier motives had more to do with his prosperity rather than godly conviction. Up to this point in the story, we know that he was the driving force that held Israel together for several years under a weak and morally bankrupt king. It took him a while, but eventually he recognized and accepted God’s plan to make David king over Israel and Judah. Once convicted, he developed and executed a plan of action to bring peace and healing to the land. We should pursue peace with all men and war when we need to (Hebrews 12:14).
Pray: O Lord, there are conflicts all around me. Help me see where I can bridge the warring factions and help bring unity and peace.
This devotional challenge comes from The Heart of a Lion - King David of Israel and is available on Amazon.com
Practice: Abner was an interesting man who enjoyed his power and position in the house of Saul. His earlier motives had more to do with his prosperity rather than godly conviction. Up to this point in the story, we know that he was the driving force that held Israel together for several years under a weak and morally bankrupt king. It took him a while, but eventually he recognized and accepted God’s plan to make David king over Israel and Judah. Once convicted, he developed and executed a plan of action to bring peace and healing to the land. We should pursue peace with all men and war when we need to (Hebrews 12:14).
Pray: O Lord, there are conflicts all around me. Help me see where I can bridge the warring factions and help bring unity and peace.
This devotional challenge comes from The Heart of a Lion - King David of Israel and is available on Amazon.com