When you are correct, do you stand firm?

Perceive: When David is not leading his men, he is gaining more wives and fathering children. The narrator lists six of his wives and their offspring who will later compete for the throne. Some of these wives helped David politically as he grew stronger in the kingdom. Meanwhile, there is conflict in Ish-bosheths’ cabinet. Ish-bosheth was aware that Abner was growing more powerful at his expense. Being suspicious of him, he found an occasion to challenge him when Abner apparently helped himself to Rizpah, the concubine of Saul. To take the wife or concubine of a late monarch was to appropriate his property and to make a bid for the throne. Abner denies the accusation that he has plans for becoming the king. He is insulted by the accusation and decides he has had enough of working for an inept ruler. Ish-bosheth fears Abner and does nothing to stop him. Consequently, Abner realizes that David is the rightful monarch, and he will now seek to help him gain the throne.
Practice: Ish-bosheth may have been right to confront Abner, but he didn’t have moral strength or backbone. Lack of moral strength and integrity were the root of many problems with Israel’s future rulers. It takes courage and strength to stand firm in your convictions, confront wrongdoings, and model godly behavior, especially in the face of opposition. When you are right, stay the course!
Pray: O Lord, help me model godly behavior in what I think, do, and say without fear especially when dealing with an unregenerate world.
This devotional challenge comes from The Heart of a Lion - King David of Israel and is available on Amazon.com
Practice: Ish-bosheth may have been right to confront Abner, but he didn’t have moral strength or backbone. Lack of moral strength and integrity were the root of many problems with Israel’s future rulers. It takes courage and strength to stand firm in your convictions, confront wrongdoings, and model godly behavior, especially in the face of opposition. When you are right, stay the course!
Pray: O Lord, help me model godly behavior in what I think, do, and say without fear especially when dealing with an unregenerate world.
This devotional challenge comes from The Heart of a Lion - King David of Israel and is available on Amazon.com