Do you enjoy seeking God’s blessings and guidance?

Perceive: Now that Abner and Ish-bosheth are both dead, there is not a credible leader to govern Israel, and so all the elders go to David in Hebron to make him their king. Israel’s elders were aware of the earlier word from the Lord revealing that David would be a ruler who would shepherd the people of Israel. Consequently, they crown David, king over all Israel. This crowning is his third and final anointing. The length of his reign is forty years. At age thirty, he rules from Hebron for seven years and six months. Although David is just finishing his time at Hebron, he is about to move to Jerusalem where he will rule for thirty-three years.
Practice: Tribal warfare is an interesting topic. As the elders meet David, they acknowledge the family blood that stems from Abraham. Many in these tribes had to have known and even liked members of other tribes. David most likely served under Abner when he was in Saul’s service. As part of the proceedings, they make a covenant where David is bound to protect the Israelites from enemies and govern the land as he did in Judah. He is bound to them, and they are bound to be his subjects. The coronation ceremony reflects David’s desire to please God, as it takes place before the Lord, acknowledging His guidance and enjoying His blessing.
Pray: Heavenly Father, thank You for all the blessings You pour out on my life especially for ___________________________________.
This devotional challenge comes from The Heart of a Lion - King David of Israel and is available on
Practice: Tribal warfare is an interesting topic. As the elders meet David, they acknowledge the family blood that stems from Abraham. Many in these tribes had to have known and even liked members of other tribes. David most likely served under Abner when he was in Saul’s service. As part of the proceedings, they make a covenant where David is bound to protect the Israelites from enemies and govern the land as he did in Judah. He is bound to them, and they are bound to be his subjects. The coronation ceremony reflects David’s desire to please God, as it takes place before the Lord, acknowledging His guidance and enjoying His blessing.
Pray: Heavenly Father, thank You for all the blessings You pour out on my life especially for ___________________________________.
This devotional challenge comes from The Heart of a Lion - King David of Israel and is available on