Do you seek and listen to God’s guidance?

Perceive: As soon as David became king of all Israel he became too powerful to be trusted, so the Philistines took action and mounted a military campaign to eliminate a growing threat. Most likely using the high priest, Urim, and Thummim as a means of talking to God, David inquires of the Lord and seeks His guidance. God gives him an affirmation which leads him to a solid victory. In the Philistines hasty retreat, they abandon their idols. David and his men took these trophies of war and burned them (1 Chronicles 14:12). After regrouping the Philistines launched another military operation. David once again seeks guidance from the Lord. This time the Lord gives him a new plan that requires listening for marching in the treetops. It is clear from the text that the Lord is acting on Israel’s behalf.
Practice: We see David continuing to grow spiritually, territorially, and militarily. At this point in his life, he is fighting his battles the way God instructs him, day-by-day and battle-by-battle. For every battle, we fight we should follow a similar pattern. First, ask the Lord if this is a battle we should fight. Second, follow the instructions very carefully. Saul failed to do this, and it cost him the kingdom. Third, make sure the Lord gets the glory. It is a great danger for anyone to relax in the sunlight of success or to do what we want without considering what God wants.
Pray: O mighty God, show me where I act using my self-will in making lifetime decisions without seeking Your will and Your way.
This devotional challenge comes from The Heart of a Lion - King David of Israel and is available on
Practice: We see David continuing to grow spiritually, territorially, and militarily. At this point in his life, he is fighting his battles the way God instructs him, day-by-day and battle-by-battle. For every battle, we fight we should follow a similar pattern. First, ask the Lord if this is a battle we should fight. Second, follow the instructions very carefully. Saul failed to do this, and it cost him the kingdom. Third, make sure the Lord gets the glory. It is a great danger for anyone to relax in the sunlight of success or to do what we want without considering what God wants.
Pray: O mighty God, show me where I act using my self-will in making lifetime decisions without seeking Your will and Your way.
This devotional challenge comes from The Heart of a Lion - King David of Israel and is available on