Have you ever sat and felt the presence of God?

Perceive: After hearing an oracle from the prophet Nathan, David goes in and sits before the Lord where he pours out a heartfelt response that is one of the most moving prayers in Scripture. In some ways, it has a hint of a psalm. His prayer revolves around three aspects of the Lord's reign over Israel. The first is an expression of gratitude for the present time (18-21). The second is an expression of praise for God's actions and work in the past (22-24). The third is a request for fulfillment of the promises in the future (25-29). David's response shows how much he recognized the greatness of God.
Practice: David realized the Lord God gave him and his descendants all these blessings so that all of Israel would benefit from them. The Davidic covenant would also fulfill the promises given to Abraham that all nations would be blessed (Genesis 12:3). Find some time today to sit and listen to the Lord. During your break, read these passages and pray them back to God. If you think about it, we have an abundance of blessings and God is deserving of Thanksgiving now and forever.
Pray: O great and mighty God, thank You for the life of Christ and rich abundance of blessings You have poured out to everyone who worships the Lord Jesus Christ.
This devotional challenge comes from The Heart of a Lion - King David of Israel and is available on Amazon.com
Practice: David realized the Lord God gave him and his descendants all these blessings so that all of Israel would benefit from them. The Davidic covenant would also fulfill the promises given to Abraham that all nations would be blessed (Genesis 12:3). Find some time today to sit and listen to the Lord. During your break, read these passages and pray them back to God. If you think about it, we have an abundance of blessings and God is deserving of Thanksgiving now and forever.
Pray: O great and mighty God, thank You for the life of Christ and rich abundance of blessings You have poured out to everyone who worships the Lord Jesus Christ.
This devotional challenge comes from The Heart of a Lion - King David of Israel and is available on Amazon.com