How are you at viewing god's will in your life?

Perceive: The Lord reminds David that He has raised him from being a shepherd of sheep to the ruler of His people, He has been the source of all his military victories and is Lord over all the history and existence of Israel. And though God tells David no to the physical temple, he says yes to an eternal dynasty with several distinct promises. Going once again through the prophet Nathan, the Lord lays out the Davidic covenant. This covenant contains three parts: a dynastic line though David's family, an everlasting kingdom, and someone to sit on the throne for eternity. This covenant gave the people of Israel hope in a greater David. All these promises will be fulfilled in and through the life of Christ, a descendant of David who now sits on the throne.
Practice: Sometimes our plans are small when compared to God’s plans. David wanted to build a temple; God wanted to create an eternal dynasty. His promise of a greater temple that lasts for eternity must have made David’s heart fill with joy. As we know, Jesus Christ ultimately fulfilled these promises. He will reign for eternity now in a spiritual kingdom and eventually in a new Jerusalem. As reigning Lord, He offers the gift of eternal life to all who truly repent and believe. If God is saying no to something you are asking, take a look around you and see what may be a greater yes. Accepting God’s no takes as much faith as it does to fulfill His yes.
Pray: Help me O Lord to accept Your will for my life, no matter what it involves.
This devotional challenge comes from The Heart of a Lion - King David of Israel and is available on
Practice: Sometimes our plans are small when compared to God’s plans. David wanted to build a temple; God wanted to create an eternal dynasty. His promise of a greater temple that lasts for eternity must have made David’s heart fill with joy. As we know, Jesus Christ ultimately fulfilled these promises. He will reign for eternity now in a spiritual kingdom and eventually in a new Jerusalem. As reigning Lord, He offers the gift of eternal life to all who truly repent and believe. If God is saying no to something you are asking, take a look around you and see what may be a greater yes. Accepting God’s no takes as much faith as it does to fulfill His yes.
Pray: Help me O Lord to accept Your will for my life, no matter what it involves.
This devotional challenge comes from The Heart of a Lion - King David of Israel and is available on