Where is the chink in your armor?

We’re not given the backdrop to his early life of growing up so it may be difficult to consider the circumstances or wounds which may have impacted him and his young adult decisions. We do know the Israelites were instructed by the Lord to never intermarry because of the great influence sex and relationships can have on worship and devotion (Deut 7:3-4).
Samson is a classic example of a young man who enjoys seeing a beautiful woman who disregards the consequences of entering into an improper relationship or for that matter an interfaith marriage. Twice in the first two verses of this chapter he “saw” her. No doubt he grew up seeing other women but, in this case, she sparked something in his mind, and this set her apart from others. As good as lust and sex can feel, they can also bring about moral failures and addictions.
Today far too many men fulfill their desires of lust by fantasizing, viewing, and engaging in sexual gratification by means of pornographic material or worse prostitution. No parent in their right mind would encourage this kind of behavior, yet so many parents ignore putting bars and gates on the the family internet, computers, and cell phones. Unfortunately, in and out of the church too many men of all ages are viewing pornography on a routine basis.
In dealing with pornography, no one should consider these the words, “A little won’t hurt.”
- When it comes to lust, are you fighting it or engaging it with open eyes?
Samson is a classic example of a young man who enjoys seeing a beautiful woman who disregards the consequences of entering into an improper relationship or for that matter an interfaith marriage. Twice in the first two verses of this chapter he “saw” her. No doubt he grew up seeing other women but, in this case, she sparked something in his mind, and this set her apart from others. As good as lust and sex can feel, they can also bring about moral failures and addictions.
Today far too many men fulfill their desires of lust by fantasizing, viewing, and engaging in sexual gratification by means of pornographic material or worse prostitution. No parent in their right mind would encourage this kind of behavior, yet so many parents ignore putting bars and gates on the the family internet, computers, and cell phones. Unfortunately, in and out of the church too many men of all ages are viewing pornography on a routine basis.
In dealing with pornography, no one should consider these the words, “A little won’t hurt.”
- When it comes to lust, are you fighting it or engaging it with open eyes?