Where is the chink in your armor?

Some people feel Samson was in love, but others view this situation as a man burning in lust. In his mind he was in love with an attractive foreign woman, and he was ready for marriage. When he sought parental approval for her hand in matrimony his parents questioned his judgement. They asked him, “Is there not a woman among the daughters of your relatives, or among all our people that you must take a wife from the uncircumcised Philistines?” His response, “Get her for me, for she is right in my eyes.” This is the third time in this chapter that refers to his vision. Consequently, he refused to listen to them and consider their advice. Samson is a man living by sight and not by faith.
His parents disagreed with his choice of women and tried to talk him out of this relationship, yet according to verse 4 God is behind this whole scenario. In this situation the Lord is showing His sovereignty and yet using a man’s personal weaknesses to do His divine will. Amazing! God was managing Samson the judge to seek an occasion to avenge the enemies of His people. And like so many of us today, we do not always understand or recognize His actions.
As we will see in future observations, Samson is a man who demonstrates strength and power to men but is easily seduced and ultimately manipulated by women of poor character.
- Are you easily swayed by glamor and glitz?
- Do you listen and weigh the advice given by family and spiritual leaders?
His parents disagreed with his choice of women and tried to talk him out of this relationship, yet according to verse 4 God is behind this whole scenario. In this situation the Lord is showing His sovereignty and yet using a man’s personal weaknesses to do His divine will. Amazing! God was managing Samson the judge to seek an occasion to avenge the enemies of His people. And like so many of us today, we do not always understand or recognize His actions.
As we will see in future observations, Samson is a man who demonstrates strength and power to men but is easily seduced and ultimately manipulated by women of poor character.
- Are you easily swayed by glamor and glitz?
- Do you listen and weigh the advice given by family and spiritual leaders?