Where is the chink in your armor?

Being consistent in his lust of the eyes and lust of the flesh we find Samson with a seductive woman named Delilah the primary romantic partner to our hero the Israelite judge. One can only imagine how physically attractive she was, but then again true evil is often masked by the worlds' beauty (2 Cor 11:14). Samson must have been smitten. Unfortunately, she is evil and is more interested in wealth than being loving and honorable. Once the Philistines discover her relationship with Samson, she conspires with the Philistines who offer her 1,100 pieces of silver if she will, "Seduce him, and see where his great strength lies."
Throughout Samsons life we see him act without setting or keeping boundaries, the kind of boundaries that were clearly laid out in Scripture. Consequently, his sweet tooth for sex and physical pleasure made him an easy target for the enemy of God's people. This is one of many biblical illustrations where picking the right spouse and becoming one has lifetime implications. Centuries later we find the apostle Paul reminding the Corinthians on this very point, "Do not be decieved. Bad company corrupts good morals." (1 Cor 15:33).
- If Satan were to seduce you, where would he find the kink in your armor?
- Are you tasting, touching, seeing, or feeding something inside you, that would lead to your downfall?
Throughout Samsons life we see him act without setting or keeping boundaries, the kind of boundaries that were clearly laid out in Scripture. Consequently, his sweet tooth for sex and physical pleasure made him an easy target for the enemy of God's people. This is one of many biblical illustrations where picking the right spouse and becoming one has lifetime implications. Centuries later we find the apostle Paul reminding the Corinthians on this very point, "Do not be decieved. Bad company corrupts good morals." (1 Cor 15:33).
- If Satan were to seduce you, where would he find the kink in your armor?
- Are you tasting, touching, seeing, or feeding something inside you, that would lead to your downfall?