Where is the chink in your armor?

Were not sure what Samson’s behavior was like during this twenty years as Judge of Israel, but chances are he continued to feed his lust for women especially foreign females. This chapter begins by mentioning once again that Samson’s eyes were part of his conduct. Upon “seeing” an attractive prostitute, he knowingly goes into her house of sexual business to feed his raging lust.
During the night the men of Gaza, most likely Philistines, find out Samson was in the city enjoying her place of business, so they surround her home and lay in wait to capture and kill our hero. We’re not sure how he knows this, but after discovering the plot he makes a midnight escape destroying the city gate as he exits.
In the book of James, we are given a description on the process of lust and how what happens when we say yes, “But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire. Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death (1:14-15). When Samson saw the prostitute, he fully embraces the desire for sexual gratification. Unlike Samson, we are not always able to make such an escape.
- How often do you let your eyes feed your flesh?
- When was the last time you embraced the desire for sexual gratification?
- What were the results?
During the night the men of Gaza, most likely Philistines, find out Samson was in the city enjoying her place of business, so they surround her home and lay in wait to capture and kill our hero. We’re not sure how he knows this, but after discovering the plot he makes a midnight escape destroying the city gate as he exits.
In the book of James, we are given a description on the process of lust and how what happens when we say yes, “But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire. Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death (1:14-15). When Samson saw the prostitute, he fully embraces the desire for sexual gratification. Unlike Samson, we are not always able to make such an escape.
- How often do you let your eyes feed your flesh?
- When was the last time you embraced the desire for sexual gratification?
- What were the results?