where is the chink in your armor?

- This is an interesting situation. Samson and his parents decide to travel down to Timnah a town originally captured by Joshua (19:43) and a part of Judah’s inheritance (15:57). Unfortunately, it’s under Philistine control. As he was entering into enemy territory our hero decided to separate himself from his parents and take the scenic path through a vineyard. Were not told the reason why but its not hard to assume there may be other attractive women working in the fields. Like most young men he has an appetite for female eye candy.
Verse seven gives us another glimpse into Samson’s thinking, “Then he went down and talked with the woman, and she was right in Samson’s eyes.” This is the fourth time in seven verses that refer to his mind and eyes.
Later when he returns for another visit, Samson comes upon the lion’s carcass which is filled with bees and honey. Seeing the honey, he decides to feed his flesh by gleaning a handful to enjoy on the way. Unfortunately, this is an early indication of Samson’s incredible appetite even at the potential defiling as a Nazarite. He was never to go near a dead body which would make him unclean (Nu 6:6-7).
- Are there times when the lions roar scares you into a certain action?
- What are ways the enemy of God attempts to frighten his men?
- Are your eyes wandering where they shouldn’t look?
- Are you tasting or touching things that are unhealthy for you?