Where is the chink in your armor?

After such an intentional act it's pretty normal to find out who commited the fires and why. In this case it was not hard to figure out as I am sure Samson did not hide his anger or his actions. The saddest part of his quick rush to action is the cost to his father-in-law and young wife. Together they were burned alive as promised earlier by the Philistine leaders (14:15).
It's not surprising to see our hero make a vow of vengeance in response to this heinous act (8). The interesting part of the original Hebrew is how he attacked the enemies of God's people. Most versions interpret this as an attack to the hip and thigh but this could also mean a shoulder or lower leg (H7785). The thigh could also be shaft or something from the root word soft (H3409). Regardless of the language we know his attack was violent and strong as per his already demonstrated behaviors and scripture describes.
Were not sure exactly why after giving them some retribution, our hero find a cleft in a rock (this could also be a cave). Considering his strength it would not be out of fear. It's most likely he needed to think and wait for another opportunity to further avenge the Philistine actions against the people of Israel. Could the outcome be different if our strong man took some time to seek the Lord? Isn't it interesting that in all these stories of physical strength we see little of his spiritual life.
(H7785 & H3409) Enhanced Strongs Lexicon
It's not surprising to see our hero make a vow of vengeance in response to this heinous act (8). The interesting part of the original Hebrew is how he attacked the enemies of God's people. Most versions interpret this as an attack to the hip and thigh but this could also mean a shoulder or lower leg (H7785). The thigh could also be shaft or something from the root word soft (H3409). Regardless of the language we know his attack was violent and strong as per his already demonstrated behaviors and scripture describes.
Were not sure exactly why after giving them some retribution, our hero find a cleft in a rock (this could also be a cave). Considering his strength it would not be out of fear. It's most likely he needed to think and wait for another opportunity to further avenge the Philistine actions against the people of Israel. Could the outcome be different if our strong man took some time to seek the Lord? Isn't it interesting that in all these stories of physical strength we see little of his spiritual life.
- Given the same circumstances, how would you react?
- Is it always wrong to take revenge?
- When should a man find a cave or cleft to hide in?
(H7785 & H3409) Enhanced Strongs Lexicon