Do you turn to the Lord before or during a battle?

Perceive: This psalm may have been written during the early reign of David when Jerusalem was under attack by the Philistines (2 Samuel 5:17). Like many of his psalms, David writes about the help and deliverance based on God’s reputation and power. This psalm has two main sections. In the first section, David describes how the wicked would swallow up Israel and the flood waters of adversity could destroy the country (1-5). In the second section, David acknowledges his help and deliverance is from the Lord in a similar way that a bird escapes a hunter’s snare (6-8). This psalm may have been a song of thanksgiving to the Lord as people ascended to the temple.
Practice: Sometimes the struggles in life feel so overwhelming that it is like being under siege by a mighty army. Although we may not have entire nations seeking our destruction, we often face things that are more than we can handle. Some people like to say, “God won’t give you anything you can’t handle.” Unfortunately, it is not true. Throughout biblical history, today, and into the future, God will often give you things you can’t handle that only He can. It is designed to have His people rely on His power and not self-control. The arm of flesh may fail you; you dare not trust your own.
Pray: Great and Mighty God, thank You for the many, many times You have helped me in life and delivered me from myself, danger, and the forces of evil. You have blessed me over and over with Your powerful presence.
Practice: Sometimes the struggles in life feel so overwhelming that it is like being under siege by a mighty army. Although we may not have entire nations seeking our destruction, we often face things that are more than we can handle. Some people like to say, “God won’t give you anything you can’t handle.” Unfortunately, it is not true. Throughout biblical history, today, and into the future, God will often give you things you can’t handle that only He can. It is designed to have His people rely on His power and not self-control. The arm of flesh may fail you; you dare not trust your own.
Pray: Great and Mighty God, thank You for the many, many times You have helped me in life and delivered me from myself, danger, and the forces of evil. You have blessed me over and over with Your powerful presence.