How well do you honor God in your daily life?

Perceive: Although the author mentions David at the beginning, Aspah may have authored this psalm. He was the leading Levite priest and musician who had firsthand knowledge regarding the ark’s entrance into the Tent and the promotion of national worship. Scholars have several views on what is meant by ascents. The term means to go up. It may be a required song by those who go up to Jerusalem to visit the Temple and confirm their faith in the God who had chosen Zion for his dwelling place. It contains four main sections: David has great desire to promote worship to the Lord (1-5), and emphasizes the need to worship by coming before the Lord, (6-9). Then he gives the promise that David's sons shall reign before the Lord forever (10-12), and he reminds the reader of God's provision, presence, purpose, and power (13-18).
Practice: Although there is never a guarantee of prosperity, it is true that when you honor God, He will honor you. There are numerous ways to honor God. Here are five to consider applying to your life. First, spend time reading and applying God’s Word. Second, consider what you read and pray it back to God, share your heart and soul with Him. Third, seek ways to love the people around you both those in His family and those who need to help to enter His kingdom. Fourth, be productive and wholeheartedly work as though Christ employs you. Fifth and most important, put Christ first (Matthew 6:33).
Pray: O Sovereign Lord, help me to stay faithful and true to Your word and love those You put into my sphere of influence.
This devotional challenge comes from The Heart of a Lion - King David of Israel and is available on
Practice: Although there is never a guarantee of prosperity, it is true that when you honor God, He will honor you. There are numerous ways to honor God. Here are five to consider applying to your life. First, spend time reading and applying God’s Word. Second, consider what you read and pray it back to God, share your heart and soul with Him. Third, seek ways to love the people around you both those in His family and those who need to help to enter His kingdom. Fourth, be productive and wholeheartedly work as though Christ employs you. Fifth and most important, put Christ first (Matthew 6:33).
Pray: O Sovereign Lord, help me to stay faithful and true to Your word and love those You put into my sphere of influence.
This devotional challenge comes from The Heart of a Lion - King David of Israel and is available on