Do you have a godly perspective on living and time?

Perceive: This is often called the Kings Psalm. David appreciates how God honored him and made him a successful warrior and king. He also wanted the Lord to continue blessing the people. This psalm contains two main sections. In the first section, David acknowledges the power, protection, and preparations for war (1-8). In the second section, he sings a victory song where he rejoices and acknowledges the way God rewards His people in their homes, fields, and streets (9-15). In this psalm, he sang his witness to Jehovah, the God of Israel, and then reminded his people that their God was not like the gods of their neighbors.
Practice: No matter who you are, you only have so much time here on this earth. The psalm could be summarized, “Life is short. Pray hard.” David reminds the reader that life is like a breath and that our days are like a fleeting shadow (4). James reflects this same thought when he writes, “You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away” (James 4:14 NASB). Whatever time you have left should be lived for God by His rules and reign. Do you have a purpose for living out the rest of your life?
Pray: Thank You, Lord, for impressing upon me the need to make each day count for You. Help me accept each divine appointment and make the most of every second I live from this day forward.
This devotional challenge comes from The Heart of a Lion - King David of Israel and is available on
Practice: No matter who you are, you only have so much time here on this earth. The psalm could be summarized, “Life is short. Pray hard.” David reminds the reader that life is like a breath and that our days are like a fleeting shadow (4). James reflects this same thought when he writes, “You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away” (James 4:14 NASB). Whatever time you have left should be lived for God by His rules and reign. Do you have a purpose for living out the rest of your life?
Pray: Thank You, Lord, for impressing upon me the need to make each day count for You. Help me accept each divine appointment and make the most of every second I live from this day forward.
This devotional challenge comes from The Heart of a Lion - King David of Israel and is available on