Perceive: This may have been a psalm that helped keep the Israelites focused on the Lord God and not on the god Baal who was believed to be in control of the weather and fertility. In this psalm, David calls the reader to worship the Lord in response to the wonders of creation and the unique power of storms. David attests to the great power of the Lord’s voice through several means of nature. It contains three main sections. In the first section, he calls for the worshiper to refer to the cause and source of the Lord in worship (1-2). In the second section, he describes attributes of the Lord's voice upon the waters, in thunder, as majestic, able to break cedars, shake mountains, and strip forests (3-9). In the third section, he describes how the Lord reigns at the flood, and gives strength and blessings to His people (10-11). This psalm is a fabulous testimony regarding ways to hear the voice of God.
Practice: Throughout the history of the world, the Lord has revealed his power through acts of nature. His first catastrophic act of power was the world flood in Genesis chapters 6-9. Later, the author of Romans points out the world is without excuse because God continually reveals Himself, so people are without excuse (Romans 1:20). Like then, His power is available to us when we feel weak and needy. Are you feeling weak or in need of His power and presence?
Pray: Lord, help me in my hour of need. I am weak and in need of You to strengthen my resolve and my desire to obey Your word.
Practice: Throughout the history of the world, the Lord has revealed his power through acts of nature. His first catastrophic act of power was the world flood in Genesis chapters 6-9. Later, the author of Romans points out the world is without excuse because God continually reveals Himself, so people are without excuse (Romans 1:20). Like then, His power is available to us when we feel weak and needy. Are you feeling weak or in need of His power and presence?
Pray: Lord, help me in my hour of need. I am weak and in need of You to strengthen my resolve and my desire to obey Your word.