Do you ever feel God is silent in answering prayer?

Perceive: This psalm is David’s prayer to God for help against those who are trying to inflict harm on him for no good reason. In his case, he has people lying about him even when he does good to them. The psalm is divided up into five main sections. In today’s reading, we cover the first half of the psalm. David seeks for God to defeat, humiliate, and destroy the people who are lying and hurting him (1-8), then he praises God and pleads his actions as good while his enemies are evil (9-16). David often describes how he feels in his songs. Feelings can be good or bad. If you feel bad, God cares and wants to hear your plea as you rely on Him to hear and to help you with whatever you are facing.
Practice: In a lot of David’s psalms he is sad when his prayers for justice seem unanswered. When God delays our deliverance or if it does not come at all, it is easy to assume God hasn’t heard or does not want to answer our prayers. God hears every prayer, but He answers in His time, His way, and with His wisdom. The next time you feel sad or depressed over a situation, take some time to share exactly how you feel with the Lord.
Pray: Lord, please hear my prayer. I am having difficulty seeing You and Your answer in ________________________________.
This devotional challenge comes from The Heart of a Lion - King David of Israel and is available on
Practice: In a lot of David’s psalms he is sad when his prayers for justice seem unanswered. When God delays our deliverance or if it does not come at all, it is easy to assume God hasn’t heard or does not want to answer our prayers. God hears every prayer, but He answers in His time, His way, and with His wisdom. The next time you feel sad or depressed over a situation, take some time to share exactly how you feel with the Lord.
Pray: Lord, please hear my prayer. I am having difficulty seeing You and Your answer in ________________________________.
This devotional challenge comes from The Heart of a Lion - King David of Israel and is available on