How well do you understand the attributes of God?

Perceive: In this short but concise psalm, David describes the kind of wickedness that is in the hearts of those who routinely promote rebellion against God. David views God’s faithfulness, justice, and loving-kindness in contrast to the sinful hearts of men. It has two main sections. In the first section, David describes attributes of the Godless; they have no fear of God, they are conceited, they are deceitful, and they love to plan evil deeds (1-4). In the second section, David describes some of God's characteristics in contrast to the Godless: He is loving, faithful, righteous, just, protective, and life-giving (5-12). Essentially, David calls upon the Lord to bless the godly and humble the wicked.
Practice: The way a man deals with the difficult situations and problems in life are in direct proportion to his accurate understanding of who God is and how he acts for His people. In this psalm, David gives us a great picture of God. He is faithful, righteous, and just. His love extends to the heavens, His faithfulness to the skies, His righteousness to the heights of the mountains, His judgments to the deepest part of the sea. We should not fear the evil that seems to surround us, because we have a God who loves us and is continually working to judge evil and humble those who constantly rebel against His authority.
Pray: Lord, please continue to show Yourself to me and give me a deeper and stronger appreciation for who You are and how You act.ere to edit.
This devotional comes from The Heart of a Lion - King David of Israel and is available on
Practice: The way a man deals with the difficult situations and problems in life are in direct proportion to his accurate understanding of who God is and how he acts for His people. In this psalm, David gives us a great picture of God. He is faithful, righteous, and just. His love extends to the heavens, His faithfulness to the skies, His righteousness to the heights of the mountains, His judgments to the deepest part of the sea. We should not fear the evil that seems to surround us, because we have a God who loves us and is continually working to judge evil and humble those who constantly rebel against His authority.
Pray: Lord, please continue to show Yourself to me and give me a deeper and stronger appreciation for who You are and how You act.ere to edit.
This devotional comes from The Heart of a Lion - King David of Israel and is available on