In what ways have you suffered from your sins?

Perceive: The description in this psalm of David’s physical condition is like other psalms where he recognizes God’s discipline for his deep sins. David feels his suffering is severe. This psalm contains three main sections. Section one describes his hurt and difficult health issues as he is disciplined by God (1-10). Section two describes his relationships where he has lost friends and gained enemies (11-14). Section three describes his requests which include being heard, healed, and helped as he is forgiven (15-22). It is easy to feel forgotten by God when you are going through tough times. Not too many people like a walk in the desert or a rod of godly correction.
Practice: David viewed his situation as part of God’s discipline in punishing him for his past sins. His anguish was part of God’s judgment. God can and does whatever He thinks is in our best interest, which may or may not include physical problems as part of our suffering. Sin can and does often result in mental and physical side effects. Although God does forgive and delivers us from the penalty of our sins, He does not promise to undo all the consequences.
Pray: Great and Mighty God, forgive me once again for all the times I have failed to put You first in my life. Heal me, help me, and build in me a desire to always walk in obedience.
This devotional challenge comes from The Heart of a Lion - King David of Israel and is available on
Practice: David viewed his situation as part of God’s discipline in punishing him for his past sins. His anguish was part of God’s judgment. God can and does whatever He thinks is in our best interest, which may or may not include physical problems as part of our suffering. Sin can and does often result in mental and physical side effects. Although God does forgive and delivers us from the penalty of our sins, He does not promise to undo all the consequences.
Pray: Great and Mighty God, forgive me once again for all the times I have failed to put You first in my life. Heal me, help me, and build in me a desire to always walk in obedience.
This devotional challenge comes from The Heart of a Lion - King David of Israel and is available on