When you lie down at night are you thankful or sad?

Perceive: Psalm 3 was a morning song. Psalm 4 is an evening song. Both psalms tend to deal with similar situations in David’s life. David is in distress over his foes who are numerous (1, 6). He wants a correct mind, will, and emotions when he lays down at night (4, 8). The overall psalm contains four sections. The first section is his supplication (1, 6). The second section describes his shame, concerns about his reputation, and his desire for God’s protection (2-3). The third section describes his exhortations. In your anger do not sin (4). Offer right sacrifices and trust in the Lord (5). The fourth section describes his faith in God who enables him to have joy and peace (7).
Practice: It is easy to contemplate the bad things of a day at the end of an evening. When we focus on the negative, we often forget the positive which includes His Spirit filling us with joy and happiness. Happiness is sometimes an elusive thing to grasp but not thankfulness. In counseling circles, people are encouraged to write down four to five different things daily that make them feel thankful. Even during his struggles, David identifies actions taken and attributes revealed of the Lord his God. Take a few minutes to consider how God worked in your life today, write them down, and give Him thanksgiving. We have much to be thankful for.
Pray: Awesome God, You have done so much in my life. Thank You for Your grace and mercy. Thank You for touching my life. Thank You for filling me with Your presence.
This devotional challenge comes from The Heart of a Lion - King David of Israel and is available on Amazon.com
Practice: It is easy to contemplate the bad things of a day at the end of an evening. When we focus on the negative, we often forget the positive which includes His Spirit filling us with joy and happiness. Happiness is sometimes an elusive thing to grasp but not thankfulness. In counseling circles, people are encouraged to write down four to five different things daily that make them feel thankful. Even during his struggles, David identifies actions taken and attributes revealed of the Lord his God. Take a few minutes to consider how God worked in your life today, write them down, and give Him thanksgiving. We have much to be thankful for.
Pray: Awesome God, You have done so much in my life. Thank You for Your grace and mercy. Thank You for touching my life. Thank You for filling me with Your presence.
This devotional challenge comes from The Heart of a Lion - King David of Israel and is available on Amazon.com