How does your body respond to severe stress?

Perceive: In this psalm, David complains of his enemies and his false friends. Several verses indicate he is ill and grieving over his sins (4, 8, 10). He is in a situation where all these are true. The psalm is divided up into three main parts with a closing verse. The first section describes the blessings of someone who is mindful of the helpless or less fortunate (1-3). The second section describes his confession of sin and the ways he is mistreated by others (4-9). The third section describes his crying out to God for relief and restoration (10-12). This psalm ends what is known as book 1 of the psalms. With that in mind, it fits that the last verse of the last psalm reminds the reader that the main thing in our lives is the eternal praise and glory of the Lord.[i]
Practice: While there are a lot of parallels between king David and King Jesus, this psalm is quoted by Jesus about His betrayal by Judas (John 13:18). Judas was the treasurer and one of the twelve apostles. He spent three years being part of the ongoing work of Christ’s ministry. He knew Christ well and, in the end, betrays Him with a kiss and for thirty pieces of silver. Have you ever felt ill during a time of betrayal? God remains faithful no matter who deserts or betrays us.
Pray: Lord, help me to walk worthy of You no matter what circumstances I face, nor how many people turn their backs on me.
[i] The 150 Psalms are grouped into five collections or books: Book 1 (1-41), Book 2 (42-72), Book 3 (74-89), Book 4 (90-106), Book 5 (107-150).
This devotional challenge comes from The Heart of a Lion - King David of Israel and is available on
Practice: While there are a lot of parallels between king David and King Jesus, this psalm is quoted by Jesus about His betrayal by Judas (John 13:18). Judas was the treasurer and one of the twelve apostles. He spent three years being part of the ongoing work of Christ’s ministry. He knew Christ well and, in the end, betrays Him with a kiss and for thirty pieces of silver. Have you ever felt ill during a time of betrayal? God remains faithful no matter who deserts or betrays us.
Pray: Lord, help me to walk worthy of You no matter what circumstances I face, nor how many people turn their backs on me.
[i] The 150 Psalms are grouped into five collections or books: Book 1 (1-41), Book 2 (42-72), Book 3 (74-89), Book 4 (90-106), Book 5 (107-150).
This devotional challenge comes from The Heart of a Lion - King David of Israel and is available on